The House. The old salting factory, the silence, the cedar, the smell of cedar, the port, the sea, the garden, the stone, the love for the details, the history of a place, the soul of Aldán, your house.
Ardora Apartments. The Aldán estuary, the village, the peace, the views, the architecture, the sunset, the cedar and the sea, the elegance of the bare essentials, the beauty of simplicity.
O Con Restaurant. The sea, the land, the orchards, the wine, our cuisine, our flavour, the warmth, the terrace over the water, the sunsets, the spirit of Galicia, the product of Aldán, the flavour of Aldán.
The Surroundings. The sea, the tide, the mountains, the greens, the blues, the skies, the stars, the air, the promenade, the harbour, the beaches, the people, the sunsets…
Events. A business meeting, a birthday, a celebration, a unique moment, an important day, a very special place.
Maximum capacity: 55 people.
Dates: from September 15 to May 31.
Contact us to find out more about events at A Casa de Aldán S.L.:
+34 986 32 87 32
A Casa de Aldán
Roural Tourism
+34 986 32 87 32
Avda. Jose Graña, 52
Puerto de Aldán,
36945 Cangas, Pontevedra
See map
35 min from Vigo Airport
90 km from Santiago Airport
Ardora Apartments
+34 986 32 87 32
+34 609 82 04 43
+34 606 85 22 37
Rua Capela, 35
36945 Cangas, Pontevedra
See map
O Con
+34 986 32 92 29
+34 691 122 400
Paseo de Carlos Pérez, 12
Puerto de Aldán,
36945 Cangas, Pontevedra
See map
A Casa de Aldán Awards
A Casa de Aldán has won the Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Award (for the rehabilitation work by the architect Alfonso Penela) and the Q Calidad Award.
Ardora Apartments Awards
The Ardora apartments have been awarded the With Zinc and De la Vega Prizes.
A Casa de Aldán Prices
A Casa de Aldán has 10 double rooms, 2 special double rooms and one single room.
High season
(June 01 – September 15)
Double Rooms*: 110€ (Room 103 & 202)
Double Rooms*: 143€
Special Double Rooms*: 165€
Single Rooms*: 71,50€
Low season
(September 16 – May 31**)
Double Rooms*: 110€ (Room 103 & 202)
Double Rooms*: 132€
Special Double Rooms*: 160€
Single Rooms*: 71,50€
Breakfast and VAT included
*2 people / day
** Christmas and Holy Week will apply high season prices
Ardora Apartments Prices
High season
(June 14 – September 14)
2 people
1 day: 200€
1 week: 1200€
15 days: 2200€
4 people
1 day: 300€
1 week: 1800€
15 days: 3300€
2 rooms
1 day: 320€
1 week: 1900€
15 days: 3400€
Mid season
(September 16 – November 2)
(May 1 – June 14)
2 people
1 day: 170
1 week: 1020€
15 days: 1870€
4 people
1 day: 250€
1 week: 1500€
15 days: 2800€
2 rooms
1 day: 270€
1 week: 1600€
15 days: 2900€
Low season
(November 3 – April 31*)
2 people
1 day: 150
1 week: 900€
15 days: 1600€
4 people
1 day: 200€
1 week: 1200€
15 dat: 2200€
Weekend Special Prices: 350 € (2 night)
2 rooms
1 day: 220€
1 week: 1300€
15 days: 2300€
* Christmas and Holy Week will apply high season prices